Thursday, May 31, 2012

THE BEST tacos in Baja

On our way home we stopped at LOS TRAILEREOS taco shop.  The 'chef' is amazing, the beef so tender it melts in your mouth and it is very clean!  It is located north of Ensenada on the east side of Hwy 1.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

More Road Conditions-Hwy 1 Baja Mexcio

 Well, they are tearing up the malecon in Santa Roasalia AGAIN!  It looked like they are moving the light poles in further.  We will post more photos next month when we return from our trip south.
 This is the most amazing part of the road construction!  After over a year of NOTHING being done it is finally ALMOST finished.  SO nice to not have to travel in the dirt. And this was a very narrow part of HWY 1 north of Jesus Maria, BC, Mex.
 More work being done of HWY 1 north of Jesus Maria, BC Mex.
Hopefully it will be 'more' finished by next season.

Baja Hwy 1 - Road Conditions

We just returned from our home in San Juaico, BCS, Mexico, aka: Scorpion Bay.  There were some pleasant surprises in regards to the conditions of HWY 1.  Here is a photo of one of them.  This is the new road north of Santo Tomas, BC, Mexico.  They cut a new road through a mountain and eliminated a gnarly hair-pin curve!


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