Friday, August 8, 2008

More of our trip home at the end of July

On our trip home we encounter the 'vine' that ate Mulege! This vine is taking over our friends house in Mulege. They thought the had killed it when they killed some weeds, but, I guess not! Hopefully their gardener has gotten it under control.

The mountains, Las Gigantes, south of Loreto, were breath taking!!

Another spectacular Baja sunset! Shot from the car on our way to Cd. Constitucion. We try not to travel at night, but, we had to get there and it wasn't completely dark, yet. Excuses, excuses, I know!

What a magnificent welcome home. The tree in front of Point Surf Baja in San Juanico.


DSURF said...

Thanks for the updates keep them coming.

Unknown said...

Any chance you could tell me where to grab some of that vine in Mulege? I'd like something green and fast growing to cover my ironwork here.


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